TRUTH ENCOUNTER: Catholicism and the Holy Scriptures
Written by Dr. Anthony Pezzotta, former Roman Catholic Priest

If you are reading this, you might be seeking resources to help a Catholic (either yourself, or a loved one) to understand what the Bible says about the tenets of Catholicism. Don’t miss the powerful testimony of how Dr. Pezzotta went from being a devout Roman Catholic priest in Italy, to an evangelical Christian missionary in the Philippines, after his doubts were resolved by God’s Word and the testimony of genuine believers. He spent the second half of his life working to present the Good News of Jesus Christ to everyone in a clear and convincing way. The book, Truth Encounter, was written by Dr. Pezzotta, as a response to requests for his seminars and teachings on Roman Catholic Magisterium and Catholicism and the Holy Scriptures.
Truth Encounter, in English, is now available as a digital download (.PDF) for $15. Click on the Buy Now button below this to purchase and download the full version right now. Once you have purchased the full book, ALL FUTURE revisions and any special added features to the book itself, will be made available to you at no additional cost! Proceeds from the sales of the book will go to support the author’s wife and family, as well as further the ministry of the Truth Encounter Team.
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Why does an 11-year old Italian boy decide that he wants to become a Roman Catholic priest?
What leads him, at age 26, to live in the Philippines?
How does he, at age 39 and a successful Salesian Director of Don Bosco Catholic schools, find himself in a Baptist church mid-week, expressing his long-held doubts about man-made, Catholic traditions to a kind minister, who listens well, answering his questions with irrefutable Scripture – the Word of God?
This testimony, told in Dr. Pezzotta’s own words, is available for FREE (.pdf download) as Chapters 2-4 of his book, Truth Encounter: Catholicism and the Holy Scriptures.
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“In his book, [Dr. Anthony Pezzotta] follows a format: doctrines, history, practices, and Scripture. He examines, as one who knew Catholicism from within, a wide range of fundamental Catholic beliefs and practices and scrutinizes them in the light of God’s Word. He has the intellectual credential, experiential credibility, and moral authority to do so. Like His Lord, Rev. Pezzotta is pleading, “let’s reason together” (Isaiah 1:18). Truth Encounter is a thought-provoking workbook that challenges one’s beliefs to its very roots. As one reads through the book, he will find that the encounter is not with the author but with Jesus Christ, the way, the truth, and the life…” (John 14:6).”
Dr. Agustin B. Vencer, Jr., President, Global Transformation Ministries, Inc., Pastor, Alliance International Church, Pearland, TX
“Several years ago, my Friend, Pastor Joe de la Peña, e-mailed me that Tony Pezzotta was speaking at their church in San Juan Capistrano the following Sunday. Dory and I went to their service – and finally I was able to meet Anthony Pezzotta in person. I was not disappointed … One thing that Tony emphasized in his Q&A session, as well as in his writings, is: Even though he chose to leave the Roman Catholic church, he did not dislike nor look down upon Roman Catholics. Tony, like me, still had family and friends in the Roman Catholic church. It was just that he could not continue to teach and practice what he could no longer believe … [Tony] has made a great difference in many lives through his Christian heart and ministry. Now, he has been promoted to heaven and to his deserved reward for being a faithful servant.”
Bill Gray, Evangelist
“This picture was taken of me with my Dad on the last day I saw him on earth, in August 2013. My family and I left our longtime hometown of Denver, Colorado, to serve as long-term missionaries in Costa Rica, as part of a team sent by Mission Hills Church, in partnership with WorldVenture. Saying “I love you, Daddy. I’ll see you in heaven!” then holding him close before walking out of his room was one of most painful things I have ever experienced! When God chose to end his suffering permanently on April 2, 2014, I rejoiced for him and wept for us and for all that he had endured in his final years. Since then, I have had numerous requests and opportunities to share his life story with people from all over the world. Even after his death, my Dad’s courageous decision to follow Christ above his own comfort and above the traditions of man, back in 1974, is opening doors today for my own missionary family to share the truth of how one can become a child of God and receive salvation: only by grace, through faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross! I give all the glory to my Heavenly Father, who saw fit to give me Tony Pezzotta as my earthly father after redeeming him from a life of servitude to religion, and rewarding him with a personal relationship with God, born of faith, not bound by fear. My husband, Jordan, the Pezzotta family and I are praying for you!”
Marie Pezzotta Foote, Author’s Daughter, footetraffic.net
“Truth Encounter is a must for every Roman Catholic and Protestant. Dr. Pezzotta’s love for Roman Catholics is matched only by his zeal for the truth.”
Fred Magbanua, Jr., Late Founder and President – Jesus Our Life Family Services Foundation
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